Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Gingerbread Men Cookies

These gingerbread men are so yummy you will catch them all before they can run!

-3 cups flour
-1 ½ t baking powder
-¾ t baking soda
-1 T cornstarch
-¼ t salt
-1 T ground ginger
-1 ¾ t ground cinnamon
-¼ t ground cloves
-¾ cup packed dark brown sugar
-3 T vegan butter
-3 T vegetable oil
-½ cup molasses
-2 t vanilla
-2 T water plus an additional 3-4 T additional water


Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.

 Mix all of the ingredients together in a large bowl.  After mixing completely, the mix will be a little crumbly.  Add the additional 3-4 T water, 1 T at a time, until all ingredients form into dough. 

Before Adding Flour

Add Flour
After Adding Flour
The dough may be a little sticky so add a little flour until dough does not stick to fingers easily.  
Sprinkle flour on a surface.  

Taking 1/3 of the dough at a time, roll the dough out with a rolling pin until you have reached the desired thickness of the cookie.  Thinner cookies will be a little cruncher and thicker cookies will be softer (Also see step 8 for crunchy/soft cookies).

Cut out gingerbread men.

Grease a cookie sheet and place cookies about an inch apart.  

Cook for 7-10 minutes.  The longer you bake the cookies, the crunchier the cookies will be and the slower they can run (hehe).

9. Let cookies cool completely.

Have fun decorating!


Ice cream Gingerman-whichs

 Find me on Instagram @nommyvegan

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