Sunday, December 1, 2013

Apple Cider

Apple cider is a holiday favorite for everyone and is so easy to make at home.  Making apple cider is also a great activity for children.

Apples (3 Fuji, 1 Granny Smith, 3 Red Delicious, 3 McIntosh) but you can use any variety.  Adding more green apples will give the cider a tart taste and red apples will give the cider a sweeter taste.  You can also add some golden apples.  10 apples made about 6 cups.  

Common Spices (Optional):
Lemon peel
Orange peel
Brown sugar
Agave nectar
Maple syrup

Adult options:


Clean the apples very well to get rid of any dirt or pesticides.
Core the apples.
Cut the apples into cubes.
In a food processor, process apples as much as possible.  Do not remove the skin.
Using cheesecloth:
 Option 1. Tie the cheesecloth to a cup, pushing the cheesecloth down into the cup a couple of inches to make room for the processed apples.  Place the processed apples into the cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice using a spoon (this method will take too long if making more than one glass).
 Option 2. Fill cheesecloth with processed apples and squeeze out the juice using your hand.

Children may enjoy juice at this point.  Add ice if desired.  Add cinnamon stick for decoration.

For hot apple cider, place juice in a pot and heat to desired temperature.  Heat with cinnamon stick if desired.

Common Spices (Optional)
Add a pinch, in any combination, of desired spices:
Ground cloves
Ground nutmeg
Lemon peel
Orange peel
Cinnamon stick or grounds
Ground ginger
Brown sugar
Agave nectar
Maple syrup

My favorite combinations:
- Boiled with cinnamon stick, no other spices added
- Cloves only
- Nutmeg only
- Cloves, nutmeg, boiled with cinnamon stick
- Rum with brown sugar on the rim
- In tart ciders: a hint of orange peel or agave nectar or maple syrup

Cloves, Nutmeg, and Boiled with Cinnamon Stick

Boiled with Cinnamon Stick 


Find me on Instagram @nommyvegan

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